"Miracle Hunter" Michael O'Neill examines the lives of men and women of faith on the path to sainthood and the search for canonization miracles. From miracle workers to martyrs and ordinary people living extraordinary lives of heroic virtue, this EWTN original series presents those exemplary people who make us wonder if someday they might be saints.
Visit TheyMightBeSaints.con
Explore with the Miracle Hunter
Saturdays at 6 pm ET on EWTN
"Miracle Hunter" Michael O'Neill researches and investigates the supernatural, traveling the world to take a deeper look at how miraculous events have had a transformative effect on world history, inspiring some of Catholicism's most famous devotions and most magnificent churches. From miraculous images of the Virgin Mary to the inexplicably incorruptible bodies of great saints to the miracles of the Eucharist and those who bear the wounds of Christ, journey around the globe to see the wonders that have inspired the fascination and faith of believers for centuries.
Visit ExplorewithTheMiracleHunter.com
Specials like "Miracles of Padre Pio", "Guadalupe Mysteries", "Walking with Baraga" take a deeper look at the lives of great saints and history's most fascinating marvels and mysteries.
MiracleHunter.com is the best resource for miracles on the web. The site includes approval lists, visionary biographies, detailed apparition summaries, messages, official Church statements and a photo gallery.